Source: BBC Radio 4 "Ambridge Extra" ambridge_20130716-1430a.mp3
This is Tuesday's episode of Ambridge Extra, first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 extra.
Oh my god. So glad you found me. / been such a long journey. / So, how was Copenhagen? / it's got a very nice airport. / Go on, give the man your suitcase / Huh? / This is our ride / you serious? ... Oh, spasivo. / After you. / Wow, OK then. ... This is amazing. / your way / think I'm liking St. Petersburg already. / Oh you haven't seen nothing yet. / And your guy is paying for all this? / everything. / must / you can do a lot for him. / what can I say? / British c___ / Now, Brenda, just remember / you are my PA. / I know. / We are going straight / just act professional / What? We are not going to the hotel? / No. / But I've only just arrived. / I know. But / give / impression / run-of-the-mill. / run-of-the-mill / I'll do the talking / all you need to do / look pretty / I'm sorry? / I'm sure he'll like you. / Matt ! / don't say too much about Amside. He thinks / whole building / back home. / What the hell is going on? / I told you. We're going / housing development. / I know that, but what / Shhhh / Matt, what's happened? Why / talking to Lilian? / never you mind. Doesn't affect this. / Of course it does. / Look, it's, uh, ... it's personal. / Not when she's still pestering me it isn't. / Eh? / She has to stop ringing, pleading me to come back to Amside. / What did you tell her? She doesn't / Russia / Brenda / anyway it's not my job / lying to her. / All right, all right. / You need to speak to her, Matt. She wants to know / going on / Of course she does. / Just give her a call. / at least / I said I would, didn't I? Now, can we concentrate on / meeting / I've got more important thing to worry about than Lilian.
Vitaly. / Good afternoon. Brenda, yes? / that's right / Very pleased to meet you / Brenda's / she's familiar with all my / Someone / under control / Would you like a drink? Tea? / No, no, no. / in fact, I / good / we can begin / let me just lower the lights. / Do you want me to take notes / Yeah, of course. / screen / this is our vision for / Kensinton Gardens. / Kensinton Gardens? / Yeah, it's the name of the development. / Oh. / Petersburg / What are you doing? / Looking for my notebook. / And here / of Pushkin / built ... Are you OK? / Yes, sorry. ... I'm with you now. / So, this / Vitaly, is it / then? / yes / quality, yes / see / expensive home scheme, and also / catherin / what about transport / it's fine, Brenda, just take / note / I'm saying / two main roads though / airport's nearby / well connected. / Yes, it's very convenient / Right. Very good. / right / should I carry on? / Please. / so / now / we call / high street / each property / suitable English name / that sounds strange. / Strange? In what way? / it looks / like / seen in England. It's a lot like / G___ S___ / Yeah. I mean, maybe it's a little large / style ways. G___ S___ is a development of mine / This is good, then? / Don't you think, Brenda? / Absolutely. / And, / is it speculative, or / off-plan / selected / design / that's great. It's always nice to have the money up-front. / give them their dream English home. / Oh, great. They can really / loo / the airport / of course. Turn right, go past the stairs, and / left, and then left again / OK. Thanks. Uh, I think I've got that / left then left again. / so, my friend, you like what you see? / So far, yeah. Looks very promising. / With your help, we can make it perfect, just like your G__ S___. / G___ S___, yeah, sure.
oh / sorry / I didn't mean to. Did I step on your toe? / My toe? / your foot, I didn't ... / no / you didn't step on my toe / good / sorry anyway. / no problem / Uh, you don't happen to know where the board room is? I've got myself a bit lost. I went to the bathroom, and / I'll show you. You are heading the right way. / Oh, thanks. I should have left the trail of breadcrumbs. / So, who are you meeting with? / Vitaly Ketrov / meeting with Vitaly? / That's right. Well, my boss is. / I'm just his PA. / I see. / do you work here? / Yes. I work here. / Wow / beautiful old building / going / is this the room you were looking for? / Oh, yes. What an idiot. I must have gone around / a circle. / Not at all. These corridors are very similar. / Well, thank you. / My pleasure. / Brenda, Brenda Tucker. / Mrs. Tucker, let me. / Oh, thanks. / Ah, there you are. / wonder where / had to ask this kind gentleman to show me the way. / Vitaly, davai / gostiami / s toboi pogovorich / Excuse me. I won't be a minute. / No worries / shto / zanet / Do you know who that was? / not a clue. ... Uh, Vitaly is taking me to a vanya or something / a v___? / have to come, do I? / no, no no no / thank god with that. / We're gonna carry on talking / all right / someone / a bit / what? / doesn't seem exactly professional / this / do you, apparently / maybe, but / movies now. Look around you. This is a serious international businessman. This / something / dreamt / I can see that / if he / dishing out advice, where is / odd / take the job then? / Matt / hotel / Oh, hang on. / Look, I haven't said / yet, but why wouldn't I? / I'm in with the big players now, Brenda. Who knows where it might lead. / Matt Crawford / gde / papa, nekhoroshie lyudi / shto / pomoch / Kensinton Gardens / u nas / svoi / Vitaly / ne znayu / Matt. / sorry, I thought, uh ... / No no. you are right. we should go / khodet / u menya / Khorosho. Mui potom govorim. / OK. / nice to meet you both / Yeah, you too. / and thanks again / everything all right, Vitaly? / there's no problem here, is there? / No no. Nothing for you to worry about. / Sure. / Come on. Let's get out of here.
Once / if / back in England, we / be worrying / Oh, yes. / lot more prudish there / some things we Russians will not change. ... So, you are impressed so far? / Extremely. / something / easily match / in Britain / I'm pleased. But we don't need to talk about this now. I have something else to discuss with you, separate from Kensington Gardens. / Oh yeah? / You mention, you have some money to invest. What size of investment was it? / big enough. I mean, / by half / I can tell. / the point / This is good, because, uh, I'm in negotiation to buy some good land outside the city to build an electronics factory. / Uh, ... what? you are looking for / to what, spread the risk? / There is no risk. But I'm thinking I can make you part of this deal. / Why would you wanna do that? / I think we could work well together. You get / benefit of these deals / in future projects, maybe, in England. / Ah, right. I get ___. / I scrach your back, and you scratch mine. / Yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. ... So, uh, how much are we talking about? / like I say, it depends on what you have to invest. / It also depends on what I can expect / it's true. / So? / I think, maybe, fifty / Percent? / perhaps even 75. Of course you will have to wait for your money, but, in the end / will / you are quick. / Well, / was / very attractive figures. / So, I do this for you, and then, who knows, you ___ have / similar projects in England. You can / over there too. / Yeah, sure, / how business works. / Absolutely. / It's good. You are sweating. / Yeah, just a bit. / That's why I bring you here, so we can have nothing to hide. What do you think? / Well, certainly a generous offer. 75% ? / it is possible / can you show me the figures / whatever you need. I can take you to the site if you like so you can see for yourself. / Yeah, that'd be great. / We are hoping to sign this week / if your answer is yes, you want to invest, then I will need the money by Thursday. / Thursday? Right. Hoo, it is getting hot.
Yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming. ... Matt. / taking your time /, weren't you? / Sorry. I was sleeping. / Well, now's the time to wake up. Can I come in? / You already have. / I knew I was right. I knew I was on / something / Why? What's happened? / Vitaly has offered me a slice of another deal, a big deal, the biggest / I've ever done / is this the mini-bar? / Slow down. / what are you talking about? / factory complex for an electronics company. If I invest / reckons / make / at least / 50% return / and the words "too good to be true" didn't spring to mind? / why should they? This guy clearly / money / like / back in Britain / done here. Nobody / in your way / not really considering this, are you? / Look, Matt, / know / between you and Lilian, I don't ___ to know / Good. / but this is happening too fast. The job was one thing, but now you are talking about investing in a guy you just happened to bump into on holiday / it was lucky break. I reckon / one / apart from anything else, where / get the money from? / Ah, well. / tied up / Amside / That's not entirely true. I do have money put aside. / ... Well? / When I got divorced from E___, I stashed some money off-shore, you know, so the lawers couldn't / serious / touch it since. / So, how much is there? / Enough. And, that money is just sitting there. I can't do anything with it while I'm in the UK. But if this works out, I could / for life / Matt, seriously ... / Why / you've got Amside. You've got the market development company. / Yeah, well. / I mean, does Lilian know? / About what? / money, of course / yeah / well, she doesn't know about all of it. / So you are really doing this on your own? ... You are thinking about not coming back? You're going to leave Lilian, aren't you, Matt? / Looks that way, doesn't it?